Sensory Palace

Sensory Palace

In Tantric study, the body is the temple. The Sensory Palace is ‘temple time’, set aside for ‘awakening the senses’ . Sensory Palace Studio Helix 150 Main St., 3rd floor Thornes Market Northampton, MA  01060 April 27th, 2018 6:30-10pm Sign Up This will be...
Alchemy of Eros:  Creativity, Sexuality and Power

Alchemy of Eros: Creativity, Sexuality and Power

November 11th, 2017 Hartford, CT As westerners, we’re steeped in conversations about power. How to find it, use it, lose it or abuse it. In tantra, there is only one source of power – the energy that animates life and all of creation. It’s creative, powerful and...
2016 Fall Offerings @ Tantric Ground

2016 Fall Offerings @ Tantric Ground

September 2016 Letter to the Tantric Ground Community Dear Tantric Grounders, You’re going to like this. I’m excited to share with you what I’ve been up to. Below you’ll find a whole lot of new programs, along with some of the old familiars packaged differently for...

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