Two upcoming Mindfulness programs
Next 8 wk SE-informed MBSR course
October 24, 2019, 6-8:30pm START
A new MBS-informed for Teens starts May 2, 2019:
Mindfulness for the Savvy Teen
Every wisdom tradition has a ‘contemplative practice’, yet the ‘mindfulness’ movement in the western world is a secular one. Why? Because ‘mindfulness’ is so effective in helping thousands of people improve the quality of their lives, regardless of faith. Over the past 30 years, since Jon Kabat-Zinn founded his Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction class, there have been numerous research studies supporting the changes many participants find after 8 weeks of practice.
- Lasting decreases in physical and psychological symptoms, including pain
- An increased ability to relax
- An enhanced ability to cope with pain that may not go away
- Greater energy and enthusiasm for life
- Improved self-esteem
- An increased ability to cope effectively with short and long term stressful events
Why do we need Mindfulness?
The world is compelling with its overwhelming demands for our attention. On automatic pilot, we often make choices without measuring the cost, to our relationships, health or quality of life. The bill comes later. But if every choice we make either nourishes or dimishes our lives, then why don’t we choose what works? Because, the feedback system is ‘broken’.
Our bodies offer all kinds feedback, all the time. But most of us soldier on, unaware. We over-ride, disconnect or more simply, just never learned how to ‘read’ the signals our bodies give. Indigestion? Pop a rolaid. Back pain? How about an advil? Can’t sleep? Perhaps some Ambien will do. We’ve learned to medicate, but not to respond in a way that shifts our choices to ones that nourish our lives. Before we know it, we’re living in pain, feeling angry, disconnected, alone, desperate, anxious, or simply, bored and tired. And we’ve no idea how we arrived there.
When we nourish ourselves, we experience the world as pleasureable. When we don’t, we experience discomfort or pain.
Mindfulness practices can help bring awareness to each moment, so that we naturally build our capacity for understanding the language of the body so that we can make better choices for our lives.
If your life is dominated by ‘unpleasant experiences’, including anxiety, pain, discomfort or high levels of stress, you may wish to consider the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course.
Course Structure
Eight weekly classes and one day-long class, including:
- Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices
- Gentle stretching and mindful yoga
- Group discussions aimed at enhancing awareness in everyday life
- Individually tailored instruction
- Daily home assignments
- Two home practice CDs and a home practice manual
The course is challenging and life-affirming. The learning environment is skillfully designed to be safe, supportive and deeply engaging.
Course Details
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program
Next MBSR course – TBA
Somatic Center
25 Main St., Suite #208
Northampton, MA 01060
Kristen Chamberlin, MS, LMT, RSMT, SEP
Sliding Scale $400-$600
Once course has minimum # of participants, no one will be turned away for lack of abiliy to pay.
Registration and Information:
(413) 695-7478
A $50 non-refundable deposit will hold your place in the course
Online payment here.
Refund Policy:
A $50 deposit is non-refundable
Full Fee is non refundable after course start