an exploration through the expressive arts in conscious and loving community

May 18, 25, June 1, 15, 22:  6-9pm
+ 1 full day June 24th 9am-5pm
Limited to 8 participants

Do you realize how powerful and gorgeous we all are?  Every single size, shape, color, race, orientation, age, ability; we’re beautiful! These bodies of ours are miracles, perfected through thousands of years of evolution; self-organizing systems with their own wisdom, conduits for great love, passion, pleasure and the mystery of life.

Yet, the relationship we have with our bodies is complicated.  It gets filtered through cultural shame, that tells us we’re flawed, too much of this, or too little of that.  These messages are core to how we move in the world, core to the relationships we form and a key component of our social success, health and happiness.  So what might life be like if we built this relationship on a foundation of truth,  that we’re magnificent!

Are you ready to do what it takes to heal past wounds that reside in your body that may impede your sense of connection to yourself and others? Are you longing to feel more authentic in your creativity and sexual expression?  Are you ready to feel more authentically connected with your passion and purpose in the world?

Sign Up

Through movement, the expressive arts, discussion and experiential exercises, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Increase body awareness, connection and confidence
  • Experience a sense of personal embodied power
  • Own one’s voice, creativity, passion and purpose
  • Explore and heal blocks around creativity, sexuality and purpose
  • Invite spirituality to live within their bodies, connected to sexuality
  • Experience the transformative power of love within conscious community

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