Embodying Radical Intimacy:
Kink, Spirit, Sex and the Primal Body

Feb 17-19, 2017  (6pm Fri – 4pm Sun)
Sirius Eco-Village, 72 Baker Rd., Shutesbury, MA  01072
Tuition includes 6 meals and Indoor Camping option
(private/shared rooms available for additional fee)

with Kristen Chamberlin & Zahava Griss

Sign Up

Imagine what it might be like, to live into the most grounded, present and passionate version of yourself.

Imagine what might open for you, by belonging to a group that values who you are meant to be erotically and trusts your truth is transformative for everyone around you.

Working from the inside out, kink serves as a form of activism, that moves us out of the victim, oppressor, martyr archetypes, into our wholeness, self-value, and creative connection.  It transforms oppression within our nervous system and imagination; expanding what’s possible and actively transforming our very core, the place for which culture is created.  Despair and powerlessness become impassioned vision and action.

In the context of a conscious and loving community, this weekend retreat could be the perfect place to experiment.  Come join us and practice shifting from what you don’t want to what you DO want!


  • Connect with others who want to explore the healing and spiritual dimension of kink
  • Discover new ways body-awareness can transform and releases trauma
  • Clarify what you want when you have permission to be fully you
  • Practice asking for your true desires with confidence and ease
  • Experience your wholeness and connection to spirit
  • Generate soul affirming pleasure for others
  • Surrender and receive

Our time together will be guided by Himalayan Tantra teachings and the Principles and Skills of Loving.  It will include embodiment practices, movement, communication skills, consent education and a play party.  You are welcome to come with a beloved with whom you desire to go deep or to come ready to make some new connections.

Location:   http://www.siriuscommunity.org/guest-info

Sirius Eco-Village round barn with greenhouses

Sign Up

Includes a $150 non-refundable deposit

Tuition includes 6 meals and Indoor Camping option
(private/shared rooms available for additional fee)

Cancellation Policy:
Full Refund minus $150 Deposit up until Jan 1st
50% Refund minus $150 Deposit up until Jan 15th, 2017
0% Refund after Feb 1st, 2017

This is clothing optional retreat that includes sexuality.  It’s helpful if you’ve done some personal growth/awareness work and/or other conscious erotic exploration.  Experience with kink not necessary. You will be progressively guided into the weekend, given the skills needed for each step of the way.  Everyone is at choice, in all events throughout the weekend, as we create a conscious, loving community, that honors each person’s unique unfolding.

About the Facilitators:

IMG_3107 - Version 2Kristen Chamberlin, MS, LMT, SEP, is a Massage & Somatic Therapist, parent and dancer, with 25 years experience in private practice, retreat facilitation and training.  She directs the Somatic Center, Northampton, MA with a focus on embodied approaches to healing; stress related medical conditions, trauma and Intimacy and Body-Awareness issues, drawing on Somatic Experiencing, Massage, Mindfulness, Himalayan Tantra, Dance and Yoga.  She is core teaching faculty at Institute for Sexuality Education and Enlightenment, and is founder of Tantric Ground, a local Tantra learning community based on a direct lineage from Northern India.

screen-shot-2016-11-06-at-7-59-43-amZahava Griss is a kinky, gender transcendent, dancer, bodyworker, and embodied leadership trainer.  They have been dancing for 30 years and entered a kinky lifestyle 7 years ago. They have certifications in Urban Tantra, Yoga for Birth, Pilates, and Health Coaching. They studied the sexual and spiritual arts of Sufi whirling, Sexual Shamanism, BDSM, bioenergetics, and transformational group dynamics.  They perform and teach at national conferences on healing racism, Dark Odyssey, Touch & Play, Black Entertainment Television, New York University, Hunter College, the International Inspiring Women’s Summit, the Kennedy Center, the NY Midwifery conference, prenatal yoga teacher training, and the Deepak Chopra Center. www.EmbodyMoreLove.com.


GROUP CALL:  Join us for a reflection and integration group video call March 5th, 2017, 1 – 2 pm EST:  https://zoom.us/j/295684951 or call 1 646 558 8656, Meeting ID: 295 684 951.

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