Come with a partner or someone with whom you want to deepen. During our afternoon together, we will learn the tools Tantra has to offer for building, navigating and deepening into consciously loving, erotic partnership. You don’t have to be there already, but it’s helpful if there is a mutual desire to move in that direction and to build from where you are.

When we choose conscious partnership, we embark on a soul journey that is mysterious and ever-evolving. Inevitably, we bump into our wounded places. Just know, they don’t have to define us. As we grow in love, through intimacy with another, we open to so much more.

Conscious partnerships that deepen over time have these elements:

• Self-love – Skills for self-love and self-compassion as a foundation.

• Trust – It builds over time when our words match our actions and we
learn how to stay, even when it gets uncomfortable.

• Honesty – An evolving capacity to reveal deeper truths over time.

• Communication – Communication as a learned art, nuanced with

• Connection – A third presence, a ‘we’ begins to emerge

• Freedom – Freedom emerging through the unconditional loving of

• Vulnerability – Our real super power, and the doorway to spirit.

• Fierce Love – Presence and love in the face of disconnection,
calling each other back to love; having each other’s back.

• Passion – a willingness to surrender to pleasure as a journey, not a

Few of us start here. Right? But there are skills that, when learned, can bring these qualities forward. As the power of love is consciously made palpable, we find ourselves increasingly called to be in service of life, each other and a greater purpose on the planet.

Our day together will weave between experiential explorations, discussions, teachings and practice. The work is deeply personal. We’ll be sharing our questions, strengths, struggles, curiosities and breakthroughs. You are always at choice for how much or how little you wish to share. But no doubt, you will leave at the end of the day delightfully altered.

Conscious Partnership
Nine Mountain Retreat Center
9 Mountain St., Plainfield, MA  01070
April 20th, 2019

Sign Up

(Just me = > $195, quantity = 1)
(Me and my Partner = > $390,  quantity = 2)


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