Last Sunday of the Month through COVID times


Drawing on the pioneering work of transpersonal psychiatrist, Stanislov Grof – we’ll engage the power of breath to work with shamanic states of consciousness that can transform and heal our lives.
Breath is life. With the spread of COVID, and our concern for our well-being and those we love, we’re probably breathing less and less as stress levels increase. Likewise, our bodies are holding the stress of all the emotional turmoil Breathwork can offer a reset, as it will hyper oxygenate our bodies and release toxic emotions. The fuller we breath, the more completely we support our immune system and our body’s health.
Together, we’ll learn a specific pattern of breathing, that’ll help us each access tremendous gifts and perspectives for our lives.
Why use the breath when I could use substances for the same? Breath is free, legal and abundantly available.
Please read this entire page It’s all important for anyone attending the event.
All registrants will receive a Welcome Letter with the Zoom link. It will generally arrive within 24 hours of your registration, unless registering the day of the event.
4-4:10pm Arrival
4:30pm We begin to breath for 50m
5:20 Soft music for integration, reflection, journal writing
5:50pm Closure
6pm Event is over
6-6:30pm – The Zoom session will remain open, for anyone wishing to linger, chat and otherwise share more of their experience.
Tickets can be purchased via EventBrite, using the link below.
– a yoga mat, blanket and pillow to create a cozy place to rest horizontally. The yoga mat offers a noN-slippery, solid surface, in case you want to stand and move, during your breathwork session.
– water. you’ll want a water bottle nearby in case your mouth gets parched during or after your session, preferably something that won’t break, spill or create a distraction if it gets knocked over.
journal – you may want to write or draw as you integrate and reflect on your experience a the end of your session.
Comfy layered clothing – clothing that’s comfortable for sitting and moving on the floor is ideal. Layers to take off or add will be good as your temperature can shift up or down during your session.
– an open, curious mind – you’re likely to encounter images, emotions and impulses that aren’t part of your day to day experiences. Being curious can open up their gift for you.
– create a distraction free environment where you feel free to make sounds as you wish.
– blindfold – some wish to blindfold themselves, so as to support a deeper process.
– breathing buddy – you can ‘Pin Video’ with someone for additional support. This is easiest if arranged ahead of time. It allows you to see their photo enlarged, as if right next to you.
– A full belly – leave 1 hour to give your system time to digest.
– caffeine
– mood altering substances

Breathwork Online is not for everyone. So it’s important to assess whether or not this is good fit for you. It can bring up strong emotions and unintegrated trauma. For new breathers, it’s strongly recommended that you arrange for some form of reliable support (a person in the room with you, or available by phone) ahead of time. Others may benefit from this as well. The facilitator will not be able to support individuals in this online forum.

During the hour of breathing, you may encounter a full range of experiences; from very quiet and subdued, to stronger emotions and body sensations, that may include a desire to move vigorously or make loud sounds. This is all normal and is likely to be happening with others as well. If any part of your experience gets too intense, you can slow it down by returning to a regular breathing pattern, sitting up, and look around the room at your surroundings. If the intensity continues and is distressing, this is the time to draw on the support you’ve arranged for yourself.

Breathwork can lead to emotional and physical expressions of release. If you have any condition that would be negatively impacted by vigorous movement, sound or emotional release, you would be advised to consult with your doctor or therapist first.
Such conditions might include, but are not limited to the following:
cardiovascular disease (heart attacks, irregular heart-beat, blood thinner meds, high blood pressure), a history of seizures or other neurologic instabilities (aneurisms, strokes), psychiatric hospitalizations or conditions like bipolar, schizophrenia or PTSD, eye conditions (glaucoma, detached retina).
This event is guided by principles of confidentiality. You are welcome to share your experience and insights afterwards, as long as it doesn’t involve sharing those of others. We ask that you not take any screen shots or recordings of the event. Each participant will also be asked to keep their video turned on, so that we can know who’s in the ‘room’. These practices will allow each one of us to feel comfortable with our fullest expression.
Folks are encouraged to stay for the entire event. The last half hour will be time to ask questions, report out or otherwise connect with participants.

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