November 11th, 2017
Hartford, CT

As westerners, we’re steeped in conversations about power. How to find it, use it, lose it or abuse it. In tantra, there is only one source of power – the energy that animates life and all of creation. It’s creative, powerful and erotic in nature; Eros.

Our need for Eros is fundamental and non-negotiable. Yet, at times, it can be illusive, hard to define and impossible to ‘make happen’. We can get stuck, unable to access this regenerative source. So, we create pseudo-erotic forms of creativity, sexuality and power that make us feel as IF we’re connected, powerful and sexually alive, when in truth we’re NOT.

The good news? There’s a map for inviting Eros more fully into our lives. We can consciously cultivate the conditions that invite it’s arrival.

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The Alchemy of Eros is an evening of experimentation – designed for the beginning tantra student. It’ll be a night of festivities; creativity, imagination, heart connection and play. You will each be invited into a creative process of personal self-expression. It could be movement, sound, spoken words, and/or visual expression.

If this excites you, you’re in the right place.

If this invokes a bit of fear, you’re definitely in the right place.

Just know, that by the time you’re offering your ‘piece’ you’ll feel ready, supported and well-received. It just might change your life.

And, remember, throughout the event, you’re at choice always.

Facilitators Bio:

Kristen Chamberlin, MS, LMT, SEP:  Kristen is a Massage & Somatic Therapist, parent and dancer, with 25 years experience in private practice, retreat facilitation and training.  She directs the Somatic Center ( in Northampton, MA with a focus on embodied approaches to trauma-healing, stress related medical conditions and Intimacy and Body-Awareness issues, drawing on training in Somatic Experiencing, Massage, Mindfulness, Himalayan Tantra, Dance and Yoga.  She is core teaching faculty at Institute for Sexuality Education and Enlightenment, and runs ‘Tantric Ground (, a local Tantra-learning community based on a direct lineage of Himalayan Tantra from Northern India.


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