What is Conscious Kink?

What is Conscious Kink?

Whether ’50 Shades of Gray’ rode the wave or created it, you may have noticed, there’s more kink around.  But what is it?  And what does it mean to be ‘conscious’ about it? Among my body-awareness-practitioner-friends, we regularly talk...
A Tantric Journey in Costa Rica

A Tantric Journey in Costa Rica

on Being Human:  opening the senses in movement and nature     Testimonials from previous retreats: for Kristen – ‘life altering, truly amazing – one of the most powerful life-changing experiences of my life’ Jan 21-28, 2017,  Goddess Garden,...
A Mythical Dance with Snakes

A Mythical Dance with Snakes

Every summer I work at a family summer camp where Serpentessa brings her Red-tailed Boa’s for adults and kids to play with.  At first, I didn’t know what to think about them.  It’s definitely different.  But an adventurous spirit took over me and I...
Intro to Tantra

Intro to Tantra

This Intro to Tantra event will take participants on a deep dive into the world of Himalayan Tantra.    We’ll dispel myths, open to truths and drop into our soul’s yearning for more love, passion and purpose.  In practicing skills for unconditional...

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